Network Summary


638.447 PH/s

Total Transactions


Unconfirmed Transactions

0 tx (96 B)


344.12 x 1024 hashes


65.451 x 109

Blockchain Size

649.88 MB

Number of BTCV wallets


Avg Tx Volume (24h)

5,500.491 BTCV/TX

Exchange Rate (USD)

1.47 $

Exchange Rate (BTC)

0.0000 BTC

Total Coins Mined

19,378,372 BTCV

Value of Total Coins Mined



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Latest Blocks

HeightTimestamp (utc)AgeMinerTransactionsAverage FeeSize (bytes)Weight (wu)
267,7122024-12-11 13:14:3714:40Binance Pool101,2694,968 (0.1%)
267,7112024-12-11 13:10:0119:16Binance Pool101,3055,112 (0.1%)
267,7102024-12-11 13:05:5023:27Binance Pool101,3055,112 (0.1%)
267,7092024-12-11 12:53:3035:47Binance Pool101,3015,096 (0.1%)
267,7082024-12-11 12:51:0938:08Binance Pool101,3015,096 (0.1%)
267,7072024-12-11 12:50:5338:24Binance Pool101,3065,116 (0.1%)
267,7062024-12-11 12:44:0845:09Binance Pool101,3055,112 (0.1%)
267,7052024-12-11 12:22:571:06:20Binance Pool101,2734,984 (0.1%)
267,7042024-12-11 11:52:431:36:34Binance Pool101,3015,096 (0.1%)
267,7032024-12-11 11:45:311:43:46Binance Pool101,3015,096 (0.1%)

Transaction Stats Summary

PeriodTransactionsTransactions Per Sec
24 hours1480.0017
1 week1,0690.0017
1 month4,6820.0018
1 year58,0230.0018
All time1,027,6750.0063